Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Dallas and JFK

I spent this last weekend in Dallas, TX for a Yellow Ribbon Event. Yellow Ribbon is a weekend conference that is held a few different times for deployed soldiers and their families. 

Not only do I attend these conferences in support of my soldier but it's a free trip too! Of course, you don't have to ask me twice to take a trip, let alone a free one!

I invited his parents along for the weekend since they miss their son something fierce. I hoped this weekend would help them with any questions or concerns they might have had. 

I took the day off from work on Friday. I woke up with the moon, got ready and drove to my in-laws to carpool with them over to the airport. Flying out of LAX can be a nightmare. It almost reached that point because of our transportation  (I hate not having a car to get somewhere), figuring out where to go, and Scott's dad nearly leaving behind his luggage at security! 
Thankfully we made it to Texas in one piece and the direct flight helped very much. Although not bringing a neck pillow was not good for my semi-narcoleptic self. 

After checking in to the hotel, which was much nicer than the last YR event, and registering for the event we decided to see if we could make it to the West End in Downtown Dallas.

One thing to mention is that I absolutely love true crime, mysteries, conspiracy theories, and anything supernatural or unexplained. Literally, this is my life. If you opened me up you would find all of this inside of me. I cannot get enough of this stuff. I want to learn everything about anything that is just strange. Thankfully this weekend I got to fulfill a HUGE dream of mine. Something I thought I would never get to do and someplace I thought I would never get to go.

Since I first learned of the Kennedy family and about our late President John F. Kennedy's assassination I. Have. Been. Obsessed. 
I have read books, watched movies and documentaries, and have watched the Zapruder film numerous times. As a young teen I was in awe of the whole situation. The conspiracy, possibly multiple shooters, a cover up by the Warren commission, and many eye-witness testimony that directly challenge what was officially documented.

This was the mother of all conspiracies, in my opinion. It is absolutely the greatest and grandest and to get the chance to be there was absolutely overwhelming.

We stepped out of the tram and raced over to Dealey Plaza, at the intersection of Elm and Houston. There on the corner was a 7 story, red brick building: The former school book depository. The VERY building that I have read about, seen pictures and video of, and where Lee Harvey Oswald shot and killed our 35th president.

I was overcome emotionally, knowing I was standing in such a historic place. I kept saying "I can't believe I'm here!" Over and over, trying to soak up every last inch of this scene.

In 1989, The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza was opened. It features news, pictures, videos, and memorabilia of the life and times of JFK. It is located on the 6th floor, the very floor that Oswald shot from. 
You are not allowed to take pictures on that floor which really bummed me out. This was the very reason why I wanted to come to Dallas and I wanted to document every inch of this place and my visit there.

However, me being me, I took some undercover photos. I mean, how could I not? This was THE room Lee Harvey Oswald killed our President from! (Well, if it was all actually just him...but that's another story)

The first 3 photos show the actual corner and window he stood from. The area is blocked off by glass and propped with boxes to show how it looked on November 22nd 1963.

This is is the view Oswald had as the President passed, just a few windows over to the left.

This is a view of the intersection of Elm and Houston that the President traveled theough and made that fateful left turn. 

This was the second, and only other part of the 6th floor that was sealed off from the public. It is the area where the rifle was found. Oswald would have dropped it as he ran across the floor and sprinted down those stairs before being stopped by Police on the second floor. He was identified as being an employee so they let him go before he escaped, shot and killed a police officer, hid inside a theater, and then arrested nearly two hours later.

After taking our fill, we made our way to the gift shop where I bought my obligatory magnet before heading outside to get a better look at the street and the Grassy Knoll. 

You can see in some of the pictures of the street a white X on the floor. That is the exact spot where the fatal shot occurred. Again, I was overwhelmed to be standing there knowing everything that happened on that tragic day. 
The last two pictures are of the Grassy Knoll which was much less interesting than I expected. No plaque, nothing to signify what it was. With all the conspiracy surrounding this event I was hoping for something more than the bums standing around trying to sell articles.

I stood there a long time trying to take everything in. That was the best day for me. In a long time. I was so lucky to have this opportunity. 

The next day we were given breakfast and lunch while we had to sit in conferences most of the day. I hope they remember what was said since I hardly pay attention to anything I'm not 100% interested in. The only other awesome thing I got to do was get a Will made. Because, you know, you never know...

Sunday was much of the same before catching a flight home. 

I was grateful for the weekend and getting to experience one of my biggest dreams.

Until the next! 

Friday, August 7, 2015

Let's try this again


Blogging is something that I have always been interested in. A way I can share my thoughts, ideas, and interests with everyone. 
I have started and stopped a few times before. I suppose my first few tries didn't stick because I didn't have a specific goal or maybe that goal was not something I had a lot to talk about. 

So let's think "sticky" thoughts everyone!

This blog, as you might be able to tell from the name, is going to revolve around traveling: my absolute number one passion in this world. I can't wait to share my travels, my ideas, and goals here...

...also I love Dinosaurs. 

Here is a little bit about me:

Hi! My name is Gillian. Pronounced like Jill-Ian. (Think Gillian Anderson from the X-Files)

(Wedding day 2012)

My husband is Scott. He is my whole heart.

 (2012, Ireland)

We have two dogs: Fifii, a miniature black poodle, and TinkerBell, a Pomeranian/Chihuahua mix. They are both 11 years old! I have had TinkerBell since she was 3 months old and is absolutely my child. Fifii we rescued from our local pound and she was estimated to be about 1 year old when we got her. She is literally crazy but we love her anyway! 


Scott and I are both in our late 20's and our favorite shared passion is traveling, which I can't wait to start getting in to with everyone. Most days though, you'll find us at home spending time with each other and our dogs, watching any kind of True Crime show or movies on Netflix!

I'll get in to our travels and our future goals in the next few posts. Stay tuned and thanks for stopping by!